22 Pics Of The Most Flamboyant And Dangerous Creatures Taken By Dutch Photographer

Matthijs Kuijpers is a Dutch adventurer and photographer. He spent the last 27 years traveling and taking pictures of the most dangerous, surprising and endangered cold blooded animals out there.

Matthijs collected his best shots in his first book: COLD INSTINCT. In order to make this a reality, he just launched a crowdfunding campaign.

This book is an unparalleled collection of some of the most peculiar species that has ever crawled or slithered on Earth; and some of which are carefully dwelling in the most hidden crevices of the Planet!

You can follow The Cold Instinct project on Instagram.

More info: kickstarter.com | Instagram

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Phyllobates Terribilis also Golden Poison Frog. The most poisonous animal on earth.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Northern green tree python. The colors of these snakes are actually excellent camouflage between the rainforest leaves

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Ranitomeya Variabilis also known as Splash-Back Poison Frog.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Cornufer guentheri also known as Triangle Frog.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Oophaga Pumilio, also known as Strawberry Poison Frog.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Epipedobates Anthonyi, also known as Anthony’s poison arrow frog.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Dendrobates Tinctorius, also known as Dyeing Poison Frog.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Chalcides Sexlineatus also known as Gran Canaria blue tailed skink.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Masobe Gecko. Only discovered in 2010. This is a rare species highly threatened by the conversion of low elevation rain forest into farmland and the extraction of timber.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Atheris Hispida.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Mount Hanang chameleon, These are high altitude reptiles living in moorland between 2.700m and 3.300 m. Due to the extreme UV radiation at these altitudes they have a very thick skin.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Blue white-lipped island pit viper. A spectacular nocturnal snake species with heat pits that enable the snake to “see” in the dark.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Satanic leaf-tailed gecko.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Cornsnake. This bizarre image showcase an unusual quirk of nature in the reptile world – a snake born with two heads. The condition of growing two heads, polycephaly, is rare in nature, but can occur through the same process that creates conjoined twins in humans. Both of the animal’s heads seek food independently of the other.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Siamese peninsula pitviper. The pit next to the eye allow these snakes to have infrared vision.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Alligator Mississippiensis Albino.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Cordylus Cataphracus.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Boa Constrictor Albino.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Jackson’s chameleon, a true dragon of our time. Found in high altitude tropical forest. The horns are used in battle with other males and to impress the ladies.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Giant monkey frog. The skin secretion of this giant tree frog species is known as Vacina do sapo and contains different skin poisons. It is used in cleansing rituals and induces intense vomiting.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Western blue-tongued skink. Named after their blue tongues. These are large, massive lizards that are omnivorous.

Cute but deadly. These flamboyant creatures are more dangerous than you think.

Purple harlequin toad. Discovered in 2013. They are found on Mt Nassau, Suriname, due to illegal gold mining they can be considered critically endangered and are in real danger of already being extinct.

by M. T. via Bored Panda - Source
22 Pics Of The Most Flamboyant And Dangerous Creatures Taken By Dutch Photographer 22 Pics Of The Most Flamboyant And Dangerous Creatures Taken By Dutch Photographer Reviewed by Yuxx on 12:56 AM Rating: 5

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