These 3 Artists Draw Celebrity Portraits From Hearing The Descriptions And The Result Is Hilariously Inaccurate
Drawfee is a Youtube channel created by two illustrators that combine humor with art. They describe it as a “interactive comedy drawing experience where viewers can watch their dumb ideas become even dumber drawings before their very eyes.” Drawfee has over 1 million subscribers from all around the world which proves that the creators are certainly doing something right. Quite recently, two of their videos went insanely viral – the artists came up with an idea to draw faces of famous people using only a description. Although it may seem easy at first, the videos proved it to be a true struggle, however, and a really hilarious one.
More info: Drawfee
Would you be able to guess who these people are without looking at their names below?
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
Three artists from the Drawfee channel – Nathan, Jacob, and Julia were trying their best to draw celebrities based on each other’s descriptions. They called it a “criminal sketch artist challenge” – one of them picks out a celebrity and passes the image on to the next person who will be describing it to someone doing the sketch.
Jeff Goldblum
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
Benedict Cumberbatch
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
Richard Attenborough
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
Watch the full video of their hilarious attempts below
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
People loved the challenge so much, they demanded that the artists do another one
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
This time they did colored versions of the famous faces. Last time the illustrators found out that Julia was the best at describing facial features, while Nathan proved to be the worst (this was also backed up by the people in the comment section). So, do these drawings give you an idea of who these celebrities might be?
Ariana Grande
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
Angela Lansbury
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
Michelle Rodriguez
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
Watch the full video below
Image credits: The Drawfee Channel
Most people found the challenge absolutely hilarious and very entertaining to watch
by Neringa via Bored Panda - Source

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