Uber Driver Leaves Woman On The Side Of The Road After Figuring Out She Was Going To Get An Abortion

January 22nd marked the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe. v. Wade, the ruling that legalized abortion across the United States, but as we come closer to a half-century of this court decision across the nation states are passing legislation to reverse the right. Ohio passed a “heartbeat” bill in April which bans abortion as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, becoming the third state to do so after Kentucky and Mississippi.

Abortion has become a controversial, partisan issue and while not all states will change their legislation that hasn’t stopped people from doing things on an individual level to show their position. A reddit user recently experienced just how far some people are willing to go to express their stance on the issue when she was abandoned on the side of the road by an Uber driver.

A Reddit user shared her traumatic ride to an abortion clinic where her driver left her stranded on the road

Image credits: Josie Desmarais (not the actual photo)

User molesterstall0ne a 20-year-old college student from upstate New York posted that she had found out she was pregnant but decided that she “was not in the position to take care of a child.” The only clinic that had open availability before next week was far from campus so she called an uber and set out on what would become a very traumatic trip.

For the destination, she had written the doctors name and his clinic, but for some reason the driver had suspicions. He asked if she was going to Planned Parenthood (which she was not) but he was not satisfied and pressed on.

He proceeded to tell her his own experience with his wife and how she would “regret the decision for the rest of your life.” She was stunned but kept her composure as the ride went on.

Suddenly the driver pulled over and said “I’m sorry but I can’t take you the rest of the way.” The student panicked as they were in the middle of nowhere farmland with no other Ubers for miles.

Eventually, she got ahold of her boyfriend who contacted the clinic to explain and picked her up.

After the incident, the Reddit user reached out to the company, who banned the driver, as well as a layer and legal aid societies. She asked other users if she had a case and what she should do next.

People in the comments were supportive and horrified the driver left her in that situation

by Ilona via Bored Panda - Source
Uber Driver Leaves Woman On The Side Of The Road After Figuring Out She Was Going To Get An Abortion Uber Driver Leaves Woman On The Side Of The Road After Figuring Out She Was Going To Get An Abortion Reviewed by Yuxx on 2:52 AM Rating: 5

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