I have a friend who’s 6’6″ (about 200cm) and every time we find a spot in the crowd to hear a concert I can hear people behind us tick in anger. Turns out, this problem is way more common than we assumed. Dominic Wilcox, however, has just created something that should help people overcome their height disadvantage — the One Foot Taller Periscope glasses. As you might’ve already guessed by its name, this device allows the wearer to see ‘one foot taller’ (30.5cm) than their normal eye level.
More info: dominicwilcox.com | Facebook | Twitter
Image credits: Dominic Wilcox
Image credits: Dominic Wilcox
“I was standing at a gig and turned to see a small woman dancing away but unable to see the band,” Dominic wrote. “This gave me the inspiration to design a way for people to see over obstacles such as tall people like me.”
Image credits: Dominic Wilcox
Image credits: Dominic Wilcox
The piece was made from one sheet of mirrored acrylic bent precisely. Microsoft Surface challenged Dominic to think up some everyday problems and solve them with an extraordinary solution for an exhibition in London. Dominic’s other creation The Directing Jacket, to solve the problem of not knowing what side to walk passed an oncoming pedestrian can be seen here.
Image credits: Dominic Wilcox
Dominic has created many more cool gadgets, including the Directing Jacket
Ice Tray and Snow Shoe Grips in one
Tummy Rumbling Amplification Device
Binaudios : The sounds of a city
Luxury Skimming Stones
No Place Like Home, GPS shoes
Here’s what people had to say about the glasses
by Ilona via Bored Panda - Source
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