Father Asks Reddit For Facts He Could Tell His 4-Year-Old Daughter Before Bedtime, And People Deliver (159 Responses)


Bees tell their friends about good nearby flowers by dancing.

Image credits: unknown


In Switzerland, it's illegal to own just one guinea pig; if you have any, you have to have at least two. They get lonely!

Image credits: Dickcheese_McDoogles


There's an island in Japan populated only by fluffy bunnies!!

Image credits: Dickcheese_McDoogles


When a bee is chosen to be the new queen, they are given a special type of honey that completely changes their bodies. Kind of like how a Pokémon evolves.

Image credits: SinusMonstrum


A polar bear's skin is black.

Image credits: Reecespie


Butterflies smell with their feet.

Image credits: scratchybanana


Some species of burrowing spiders keep teeny tiny frogs in their burrows to keep it free of bugs too small for the spider to get that might try to eat the spider's eggs. This means that tiny frogs are spider cats.

Image credits: The_First_Viking


Dogs can tell when you're coming home by how much of your scent is left in the house if you have a daily routine

Image credits: babiferari


There are more ways to arrange a deck of cards than there are stars in our galaxy.

Image credits: MacdonalMan


Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons.

Image credits: luxylove916


Fish can drown.

Image credits: luxylove916


J K Rowling is richer than the Queen.

Image credits: DoctorWho426


Bananas are berries, but strawberries aren't

Image credits: Bluelabel


A snowflake takes around 2 hours to reach the ground.

Image credits: nifflermoon


It snows metal on planet Venus.

Image credits: swil-phift


Kangaroos can’t walk backwards.

Image credits: Truffle__Fries


Cows have "best friends" and get stressed when separated.

Image credits: pumpkinadvocate


Apples float but pears sink. Apples float because they are 25% air.

Image credits: pumpkinadvocate


Wombat poop is cube-shaped.

Image credits: pumpkinadvocate


There is a bank in Italy that trades entirely in parmesan cheese.

Image credits: crucible


Humans are bioluminescent and glow in the dark, but the light that we emit is 1,000 times weaker than our human eyes are able to pick up.

Image credits: -eDgAR-


Cashews come from a fruit.

Image credits: The-Goodest-Boi


The name for the Arctic comes from the ancient Greek word for bear - arktos. Named after one of the constellations Ursa Major (Big Bear) or Ursa Minor (Little Bear), but there are bears living there too. So basically, the Arctic is called 'Bear', and the Antarctic is called 'Not Bear'

Image credits: B3ximus


Whales are closer to cows than to sharks.

Image credits: lornstar7


Pufferfish are full of water....not air.

Image credits: D-Evolve


Lobsters were considered disgusting and low-class food, to the point that feeding them to prisoners too often was considered cruel and unusual punishment. Also, they're basically just big sea roaches.

Image credits: Leifur311


There's a D in Fridge but not in Refrigerator

Image credits: darkdude103


Tigers have striped skin

Image credits: lovealwayscharlie666


A day on Venus takes longer to complete Than a year on Venus.. how? It simply takes longer for Venus to do one complete rotation around its own axis, than it does for the planet to rotate around the sun.

Image credits: AmerisaurausRex


The pyramids were ancient when Cleopatra was around.

Image credits: DoctorWho426


Sea otters hold hands when they sleep and have a favorite rock to hold onto in a secret pouch.

Image credits: DoctorWho426


Oxford University in England is older than the Aztec empire.

Image credits: DoctorWho426


bunnies can't move their legs independently, which is why they can't walk, only hop.


The Lichtenstein army went to battle in WW1 with 80 soldiers and came back with 81. They befriended an Austria man along the way and he joined them.


A cat's whiskers are as long as their body is wide, so that they can stick their nose into small spaces and know if they'll fit.


It took humanity 4 times longer to switch from copper swords to steel swords than it took us to switch from steel swords to nuclear bombs.


If you live in the USA, you have better odds of dating Taylor Swift than dying of Ebola or Bird Flu combined.


Sharks predate trees.


Adwaita, a giant tortoise who died in 2006, was born before the United States existed in 1750.


Disney World is the second largest buyer and importer of explosives in the USA.


France was still using the Guillotine when Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope came out.


There are more tigers in Texas than there are in the wild.


Maybe not mind-blowing, but sometimes dogs/wolves in movies need CGI tails if they’re supposed to be acting mean bc they’re so excited to be doing a good job acting that their tails can’t stop wagging.


Most elephants weigh less than a blue whale’s tongue!

Image credits: Delica


Pineapples used to be so expensive that people would rent them as a centerpiece for their party.


At birth, a baby panda is smaller than a mouse.

Image credits: swil-phift


Otters have skin pockets for their favorite rocks.


Worms have 5 hearts.

Image credits: pumpkinadvocate


The red food-coloring (carmine) that's used in a lot of candy is made up of a kind of beetle.


There's a train station in Japan that has a cat station master (currently Nitama).

Image credits: pumpkinadvocate


Some fish cough.

Image credits: phillybookwoman


Some frogs will glow when they eat fireflies.


Before 1914 parents could mail their kids to Grandma’s – through the postal service.


The building in the world with the most toilets is Wembley Stadium.

Image credits: calibrateichabod


Cows get excited when they solve puzzles.

Image credits: calibrateichabod


One time a guy ate an aeroplane. It took him several years but he did it.

Image credits: calibrateichabod


They played golf on the moon one time.

Image credits: calibrateichabod


Giraffe tongues are black.

Image credits: TrishDoesTrivia


Male seahorses carry the baby in their tummy instead of the mommy.


Making pennies cost more than their actual value.


Most people have more than the average number of arms.


Slugs have four noses.


A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.


The Hawaiian alphabet only has 12 letters.


Pigs can get a sunburn.


Birds poo and pee from the same hole at the same time.


There were wooly mammoths on the planet when the Pyramids were being built.


A blue whale's heart is as big as a Volkswagen beetle.


Some penguins propose to mates by bringing them rocks for a nest.


Rainbows are circles.


A Siamese cats fur color is dependent on its body temperature. That’s why the colder areas of the body such as the nose, paws, and tail are darker than the rest.


Rabbits usually sleep during the day, but they often sleep with their eyes open so you can’t tell. If you look closely, sleeping bunnies don’t twitch their noses.


Parrot fish are responsible for most of the sand in the world. They eat coral looking for the good stuff and spit out the chewed up pieces which happens to now be sand.


For a while, Melbourne was called Batmania.


Male lions sleep 23 of the 24 hours in a day.


6-year olds laugh an average of 300 times a day


Sharks don't blink.


A woodpecker can peck 20 times per second


The worlds smallest bat is the size of a bumblebee.


You are physically able to bite your own thumb off with ease, but your body automatically prevents you from using full force.


Jellyfish and lobsters are immortal unless outside forces intervene.


Messages from the human brain travel along nerves at up to 200 miles an hour (322 km/h).


If a human being’s DNA were uncoiled, it would stretch 10 billion miles, from Earth to Pluto and back.


There are about 8.7 million unique species living on the earth! Of these, 2.2 million are in the oceans and the rest on land.


The average time it takes for plastic to decompose is 450 years. Glass takes 4,000 years!


We cut down around 27,000 trees every day to make toilet paper!


Snails have the most teeth of any animal.


Kangaroos will often lead predators to water, then continuously jump on and off of their heads to drown them to death.


If today, you took off in a rocket that travels at 99% the speed of light and spent 10 years travelling in space at that same speed, when you get back to earth it would be the year 2048.
10 years would have passed for you but the earth would have experienced 29 years. You just effectively time travelled 19 years into the future.


The Moon’s diameter is 400 times smaller than the Sun’s. However, the Sun is 400 times further away. This is why we can have both solar and lunar total eclipses.


About 1 million people die from mosquito bites every year. That’s about 100 per hour.


The Aztec Empire lasted less than 100 years.


Calls to plumbers double the day after Thanksgiving.


Ultramarathon runner Dean Karnazes once ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days


Scotland’s national animal is a unicorn.


Violin bows are usually made from horse hair.


The colour red doesn’t make bulls angry; they are colourblind.


There is the term „rubberducking“ which is used by programmers to help them find mistakes. They explain their problem to a rubber duck and by doing so often find a solution.


Bananas are berries. And they grow on banana plants, not banana trees


From the time Pluto was discovered until the time it was demoted from planethood, it still hadn't made one complete revolution around the sun.


A lot of the tv or internet videos she watches comes via undersea cables.


When a cat walks towards you with its tail up that means it likes you and is excited to see you.


It rains diamonds on other planets.


a platypus lays eggs and has milk. making it the only mammal that could, in theory, make its own custard.


Camels have three eyelids.


Broccoli is classified as both a vegetable and a flower.


Bullfrogs never sleep.


Elephants cant jump.


The average american eats approx 35,000 cookies in his/her life.


Male kangaroos are called boomers & females are called flyers.


Koalas sleep 22 hours a day.


Kangaroos can't smell.


You are closer to death now than you have ever been.


The frequency of a cat's purr has been shown to improve bone density and strength.


Cocoa was called cacauhatl in Aztec language meaning water of life. Same as Irish Gaelic word uisce beatha, but they meant whisky.


Billy goats wee on their heads to smell better for the lady goats.


Horses can’t vomit.


Popcorn is a vegetable.


Mandarin for zebra translates as ribbon horse. Similarly, giraffes are long-necked deer, and pandas are big bear cats.


The sleepiest mammals are armadillos, sloths, and opossums. They sleep roughly 80% of their lives.


Pennies were introduced in 1787, and more than 300 billion pennies have been made. Now there are about 150 billion pennies, enough to wrap around the earth 137 times.


One of the founders of this coffee empire was a fan of the book Moby Dick, and wanted to name the company after the stories’ fabled ship Pequod, but they settled instead on naming the company after the ships first mate, Starbuck.


Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae in their neck as humans.


The speed needed to break the sound barrier is lowest at sea level due to air density.


Balls lose their bounce when stored in the freezer.


Clinophobia is the fear of going to bed.


A new star is born in our galaxy every 18 days.


Bats are more closely related to humans than they are to rats.


Some bats make their house (nest) according to gender. You'll have an all male nest and an all female nest with the babies.


Baby bats are called pups.


A single bat can eat half of their body weight, or up to 1,000 mosquitoes, a night.


You share 60% of your DNA with a banana.

You are 60% banana.


You can always see your own nose, but your brain learns to filter it out.


The only thing you are able to see clearly is the exact spot you're looking at. Your brain just fills in the rest. Oh, and the periphery of your vision is in black and white!


Elephants are really good at swimming. There have been a few cases where ships carrying an elephant (as part of a circus act, for a zoo, etc) would sink far away from land, only for the elephant to just kind of show up on the shore several days later little worse for wear. They use their trunks as snorkels.


Babies are born without kneecaps.


In France, it's still illegal to call your pig 'Napoleon'


ABC and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star are the same song.


A human’s ears and nose never stop growing.


A human’s little finger contributes over 50% of the hand’s strength.


For an adult human, taking just one step uses up to 200 muscles.


A person’s sneeze can travel at speeds of about 100 miles per hour!


Fleas can jump around 130times their own height. So if a flea were a person six feet high, it can jump 780 feet high just like that.


A photon takes 40,000 years to travel from the core of the sun to the surface of the sun. But it takes just eight minutes to travel from there to the earth.


The earth is between four and five billion years old. It is the same age as the moon and the sun.


At the atomic level, all matter is mostly empty space.


A teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh 10 million tons on earth.


The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. Or the cigarette.


Betty White is older than sliced bread.


Gary Numan is older than Gary Oldman by about two weeks.


There was a clam who ALSO died in 2006 that was born in 1499. That was before Brazil was discovered by the Europeans.


If you choose to not have children, you’re the first person in your direct line of ancestry to make this choice since the first organism to exist on Earth, about 4 billion years ago.


Elephants are usually right or left tusked, the same way humans are right or left-handed.


The first American penny was designed by Benjamin Franklin and bore the motto “mind your business.”


John Quincy Adams had a pet alligator that he kept in a White House bathroom.


New Zealand has an official wizard.


A group of ferrets is called a business.


the word "bed" actually looks like a bed.


Harry Potter was the first children book series to make the NY Best Sellers List since Charlotte's Web in 1952.
by Mantas Kačerauskas via Bored Panda - Source
Father Asks Reddit For Facts He Could Tell His 4-Year-Old Daughter Before Bedtime, And People Deliver (159 Responses) Father Asks Reddit For Facts He Could Tell His 4-Year-Old Daughter Before Bedtime, And People Deliver (159 Responses) Reviewed by Yuxx on 11:43 PM Rating: 5

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