The 9/11 terrorist attacks that devastated the United States in 2001 have had profound political, economic and social effects that still reverberate to this very day. However, most people don’t focus on the consequences that the attacks had on the social fabric of America, even though they were incredibly impactful.
US Muslims and people of color turned to Twitter to tell the stories of how their lives were changed by the 9/11 attacks. Using the #AfterSeptember11 and #After911 hashtags, they revealed the intense persecution they and their family members faced because of their religious beliefs, how they looked, and how they dressed. The following is a list of the most poignant stories. Upvote the ones you felt touched you the most, and leave a comment with your thoughts about 9/11 and its effects on the US and the world below. After you’re done reading, have a look at Bored Panda’s post about the incredibly heroic search and rescue dogs who are remembered for doing their duty at Ground Zero 18 years on.
Image credits: _SJPeace_
Image credits: rukhushana
Image credits: therealbhalil
Verbal and physical abuse against Muslims was rife in the weeks, months and even years following the terrorist attacks. From bullying in schools to taunts in public, both Muslims and people of color were ‘presumed to be guilty’ for what happened. The people who thought themselves to be just as American as anyone else found themselves outcasts in a society that didn’t know how to deal with their grief and anger.
Image credits: TheChickenEater
Image credits: Nahwalnut
Image credits: anuvir
Even though for some the memory of 9/11 fades, for others it is still as though the tragedy happened yesterday. And new information about what happened is still coming out even now. For example, according to CNN, the US Justice Department has recently stated that it will reveal the name of a person who is believed to have aided two of the 9/11 hijackers.
Image credits: shezumi
Image credits: MENALibAHS
Image credits: wrjones559
Americans in New York honored victims of the attacks at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. During the ceremony, two moments of silence were held (one for each plane that hit the World Trade Center); names of all the nearly 3,000 people who died were also read. This year was the first time that all New York schools were legally required to hold a moment of silence.
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Image credits: Hind_Faress
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Image credits: Princess_Nakisa
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Image credits: Mark_Mallory
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Image credits: LilyBolourian
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Image credits: MeelaTweets
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Image credits: KaitlynAbdou
Image credits: s0lwyn
Image credits: thelifeofzahra
Image credits: akaHelloBeam
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Image credits: ChuckPac
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Image credits: mamaAthena75
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Image credits: PDArebellion
Image credits: neendigo
Image credits: Iranmusings
Image credits: iranikanjari
by Jonas Grinevičius via Bored Panda - Source
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