If you’re a human being who appreciates the finer things in life, like food and shelter, you might have noticed that things have been getting pretty dystopian. No, it’s no recent development, but it seems like upcoming elections and opportunities for reform in several countries are contributing to a wave of vocal anti-capitalism. Because when technology and productivity just keep improving, but corporations and their owners aren’t letting it translate to benefits for the people who are putting in most of their waking hours to keep business running, people are right to start questioning things. Some say that young people are just entitled and want to have it better than previous generations, while others say… well, why wouldn’t we want today’s workers to have it better than previous generations? Isn’t that how human progress works?
Here’s a collection of anti-capitalist tweets to get you fired up, make you laugh (because sometimes we have to laugh, or else we’ll cry) and give you some ideas to mull over with your coworkers (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
Image credits: RBReich
Image credits: existentialcoms
Image credits: rebeccawatson
Another tip: adding a charity donation to your total at the grocery store checkout counter may just be paying for the corporation’s donation that they can use to receive tax deductions. If you’re willing and able to donate to charity, research a cause you’d like to contribute to at home and tell the cashier you prefer to donate directly.
Image credits: benjancewicz
Image credits: gilbertjasono
Image credits: karlremarks
One of the most prominent targets of vitriol is the world’s richest person, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, whose $100 billion in wealth and hourly income of over 8 million dollars are more than many say one could even reasonably find a use for.
Critics say it's unlikely he’s working 500,000 times harder than the employees rushing to meet digitally-tracked speed requirements and accumulating chronic injuries in Amazon packing centers for $15 an hour (and that’s considered a good minimum salary in the US).
Meanwhile, over in the UK, statistics show the average CEO getting 90 times as much income as their lowest-paid workers, and the richest 10% of society owning two-thirds of all wealth.
Image credits: theandrewnadeau
Image credits: mitchysuch
Image credits: profwolff
A recurring hashtag reads #TaxTheRich, which is probably a more politically sound approach, if not less catchy or satisfying, than old classics like #EatTheRich or #BeheadTheRich.
Image credits: leftistthot420
Image credits: tomforutah
Image credits: isgoodrum
Image credits: kellyweill
Image credits: PamKeithFL
Image credits: ajhasawebbrand
Image credits: aedison
Image credits: operaisma
Image credits: jescryan
Image credits: garbageape
Image credits: osamabishounen
Image credits: russellwarfield
Image credits: osutein
Image credits: sickofwolves
Image credits: ProudResister
Image credits: katearonoff
Image credits: redactedtonight
Image credits: alsohunter
Image credits: derlinkepixel
Image credits: ClaraSorrenti
Image credits: discomfiting
Image credits: josephkay76
Image credits: saltyalaskan
Image credits: burgerdrome
Image credits: itsjefftiedrich
Image credits: LawrenceRogue
Image credits: mauryrempel
Image credits: erikhinton
Image credits: existentialcoms
Image credits: existentialcoms
Image credits: existentialcoms
Image credits: existentialcoms
Image credits: existentialcoms
Image credits: existentialcoms
Image credits: simondonald
Image credits: RedIsDead
Image credits: laurenstrapa
by Mantas Kačerauskas via Bored Panda - Source
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