My 55 Comics That Illustrate Everyday Girls’ Problems In A Funny Way (New Pics)

I'm happy to tell you that there is a new series of funny comics here on Bored Panda! In every comic, I try to show my lovely followers that you're not alone in your thoughts.

It takes me from 8 hours to one day to create each comic of @bloome_comics depending on how detailed it is. It's not easy but I enjoy the process from the first till the last minute.

Recently, a cute pet - fluffy monster - appeared in Hanna's family! I hope you'll love it, too. If my art can brighten your day then I'll do my best to draw funny comics every day!

Also, if you're interested, you can find my previous post here and here.

More info: Instagram
























































by bloome_comics via Bored Panda - Source
My 55 Comics That Illustrate Everyday Girls’ Problems In A Funny Way (New Pics) My 55 Comics That Illustrate Everyday Girls’ Problems In A Funny Way (New Pics) Reviewed by Yuxx on 11:25 PM Rating: 5

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