It’s so wholesome to see companies helping those who are in need. This time, it’s a beer company lending a helping hand to dogs who have a hard time finding a forever home. The company in question is North Dakota-based brewery called Fargo. Recently, they teamed up with a local animal shelter and created beer cans that feature adorable pups looking to get adopted. Now beer and cute puppies go hand in hand, making the lovers of both very happy. Who wouldn’t love to crack open a cold one with the boys for the good bois?
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Image credits: fargobrewing
This week, Fargo has introduced the new can of its Original Lager in the event hosted with the 4 Luv of Dog Rescue. The event was dedicated to the 6 featured dogs who happen to be ‘Oneders’. It means that these dogs have a harder time getting adopted because of their socializing issues with other dogs.
Nyx, 8-year-old Jack Russell terrier
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With so many families and foster carers already having at least one other animal on their hands, these poor puppies are doomed to wait a very long time for good placement.
Virginia, 6-year-old pit bull terrier mix
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“It’s our hope that through this event we can raise a little awareness about these ‘one’derful pooches and hopefully find them homes of their own!” Fargo wrote on Facebook.
Bizzy, 3-year-old boxer mix
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The idea for collaboration popped into Jerad Ryan’s head. Ryan who volunteers at the shelter also works at a company that produces beer labels called Northern Plains Label.
Hobie, 2.5-year-old pit bull terrier mix
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Jensen, 2.5-year-old staffordshire bull terrier
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“I approached my boss about donating beer can labels to a brewery willing to feature our dogs. He loved the idea. I asked Fargo Brewing if they would be willing to do this for us and they loved it too. They have gone above and beyond with donating profits and having an event where the public can come and meet our Oneder dogs, as they don’t get to attend events with the other dogs. The response from the community has already been amazing and heartwarming,” Ryan Told Food and Wine.
Moby, 11.5-year-old pomeranian – chow mix
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The limited-edition beer will available at Fargo’s brewery as long as supplies last. Hopefully, it will help the puppies get adopted!
Here’s how people reacted
by Andželika Jasevičiūtė via Bored Panda - Source
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