In any relationship, there’s always someone who is tidier and someone who is messier. If life were a situational comedy, a laugh track would play every time a spouse asked their significant other to please, please, for the love of God, wash the dishes, there’s stuff growing on the plates and I swear it just looked at me and moved. Alas, life isn’t a sitcom and our partners sometimes cut corners when it comes to cleanliness.
One couple that has very different understandings of what does and doesn’t mean keeping the house clean is from Japan. The female half of the couple found an innovative way to argue with her husband about the mess he leaves behind. She created an Instagram account called ‘Gomi Sutero’ (‘Throw Away Your Trash’) where she uploads photos of the mess her hubby leaves behind.
Scroll down and upvote the messes that you would love to see cleaned up and share this post with your friends who love keeping things tidy at home. Or even those of your pals who are messy themselves and need reminding to pick up their socks.
More info: Instagram
Image credits: gomi_sutero
"I will do it properly the next time," was said aloud. I think this will continue forever. (LOL)
Image credits: gomi_sutero
I think this guy has been like this his whole life. Maybe he tried aiming for the bin but he's not so good at it? Well, everything was a close shot.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
‘Gomi Sutero’ obviously strikes a chord with a lot of people, as there are more than 587,000 fans on Instagram. Now, there are obviously some strange things that the woman’s husband does, like sticking an electric razor into a roll of toilet paper or leaving confetti all over the floor. Stuff like that is bound to trigger somebody’s OCD.
However, some things that his wife gets mad about seem like honest mistakes. Like leaving a tiny piece of seaweed stuck to a bowl or accidentally dropping a contact lens on their child’s play mat.
When I asked him to take care of my rod, he placed it here like this.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
The one where he burst crackers on his birthday. Cleaning up was a big hassle.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
If these two were in the refrigerator, I would think that I didn’t have to make some more yet. But I hurried and made some.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
There are different strategies for getting your partner to clean up after themselves. For example, on the one hand, How To Clean Stuff recommends withholding cuddling, cooking food, as well as access to entertainment (TV, etc.) to force them to change. However, threats rarely get the intended results. And they’re horrible for a healthy long-term relationship.
On the other hand, WeddingWire suggests, instead, that you try to see the situation from your partner’s point of view, establish proper and honest communication, as well as praise each other for a job well done.
Meanwhile, VisiHow states that it’s optimal to use your partner’s talents. Why make someone vacuum the house if they loathe it? Let them mow the lawn because they love being outdoors! I for one love washing dishes. It’s a form of meditation. But I know plenty of people who would sooner move to North Korea than start scrubbing plates.
How tidy or messy are your partners, dear Pandas? Do you always see eye-to-eye when it comes to keeping your home clean? How do you decide who does what chores? What are your favorite and least favorite chores? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
Image credits: gomi_sutero
The tragedy of forgetting to take out this comb from the dryer.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
If it wasn't me doing the laundry, this would have been left inside. I tried asking, “Why would you do something like this?” He answered that he works hard at work so at home, he relaxes.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Image credits: gomi_sutero
That day I screamed quite loudly!
Image credits: gomi_sutero
It got stuck there after sneezing? Sorry for posting such a picture.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
I cannot complain
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Why bother putting it normally here when you can put it sideways.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Image credits: gomi_sutero
I woke up in the middle of the night and on the table was this.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Before I go to sleep, I always remember to ask my husband where he places his glasses. He will surely ask me the same question the next day.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Image credits: gomi_sutero
This is the shaver’s charger. This is the cover for the bathtub. I don’t want to do any cleaning so I rarely use it.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
I arranged the medicine box. Suddenly, I found empty ones.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
This is the toilet door
Image credits: gomi_sutero
You can also use the empty roll, too.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
I am used to seeing him wear glasses in the bath but a mask is something new. LOL.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
It must have been done purposely
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Seriously?! LOL
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Image credits: gomi_sutero
No, this isn’t something to be happy about.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
The sequel...
Image credits: gomi_sutero
P.S. - There is no need to DM me comments condemning my husband. Lol. I just don't upload photos whenever he throws them out himself. He does this quite often so no worries!
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Yesterday, I found this. I really don’t understand. How did the seaweed fly?
Image credits: gomi_sutero
When I opened the fridge, there was only this much tea left so I got mad.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Image credits: gomi_sutero
Let’s go find my husband’s socks that might be curled up in the washing machine or under the sofa!
Image credits: gomi_sutero
When I woke up to go to the toilet in the morning.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
I won’t throw away precious things.
Image credits: gomi_sutero
by Jonas Grinevičius via Bored Panda - Source
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