Husband Of Late Kate Spade Honors Her Memory By Talking About Perfectionism And Suicide

Mental health is a very sensitive subject that affects a lot of people. Specifically, suicide is not a topic that gets talked about enough, but the fact is that there are lots of individuals who have suicidal thoughts and are considering taking their own lives. They need our support.

Entrepreneur Andrew Spade posted a touching message on Instagram and reached out to anyone and everyone who’s in an incredibly tough situation, like his wife Kate had been. Fashion designer Kate Spade killed herself on June 5, 2018, when she was 55. She would have been 57 years old on Christmas Eve, 2019.

As part of the post honoring his wife’s memory, Andrew shared a picture of his and Kate’s daughter and talked about being kind to one another, as well as how perfectionism can be detrimental to mental health and can lead to heart-breaking decisions.

Fashion designer Kate Spade’s husband Andrew posted a tribute to her and talked about mental health, perfectionism, and suicide

Image credits: iHeartsy-Music

Image credits: andyspade

Andrew posted a picture of their daughter…

Image credits: andyspade

…and wrote how honesty, not perfection, is the goal

Andrew and Kate launched her designer brand in 1993 and got married a year after that. Kate’s husband Andrew had this to say after his wife’s death: “Kate suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. She was actively seeking help and working closely with her doctors to treat her disease, one that takes far too many lives.”

According to Andrew, Kate taking her life came as a shock to him: “We were in touch with her the night before and she sounded happy. There was no indication and no warning that she would do this. It was a complete shock. And it clearly wasn’t her. There were personal demons she was battling.”

There are many factors linked to suicidal thoughts, and perfectionism is one of them. According to one study, the pressure to be perfect (whether that pressure is self-made or thrust onto our shoulders by those around us) makes a person more likely to think about taking their own life. This raises the issue that perfectionism as a trait may do much more harm than good.

People thought that Andrew’s post was incredibly important and helpful

by Li Nefas via Bored Panda - Source
Husband Of Late Kate Spade Honors Her Memory By Talking About Perfectionism And Suicide Husband Of Late Kate Spade Honors Her Memory By Talking About Perfectionism And Suicide Reviewed by Yuxx on 10:35 PM Rating: 5

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