People Are Ruining Books By Adding Or Changing Just One Word That Totally Changes The Meaning (74 Tweets)
Jimmy Fallon, the host of The Tonight Show, had a brand new challenge for his followers. Moving on from ruining a movie title with just a word, he asked his fans to think about how they’d ruin a book title with a single word for the #AddAWordRuinABook challenge.
And, boy, did they deliver! It’s hilarious to realize how much adding just a single word can change our perception of a book. As it turns out, humor is just a few letters away, whether we’re talking about The Lord of the Onion Rings or The Curious Incident of the Hotdog in the Nighttime.
We’ve collected some of the best responses that people had to Jimmy’s challenge, so scroll down and prepare to giggle quite a bit. And be sure to let us know in the comments your own ideas of how you’d ruin a book title.
When you’re done with this list, have a look through Bored Panda’s other articles about Fallon’s previous challenges, from the dumbest family fights to the coldest insults that people have gotten.

Image credits: jimmyfallon
Image credits: RyanBartholomee
Image credits: mrbudolmstead
Image credits: SellecksM
Jokes aside, reading books is a great way to increase your brain power, improve your analytical skills, and can even increase your empathy because you’re privy to the characters’ emotions. Furthermore, people who read have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease because they’re keeping their brains active.
Image credits: RyanBartholomee
Image credits: RyanBartholomee
Image credits: Eff_This_Crap
What’s more, reading’s a far better alternative than sitting in front of a glowing screen before bedtime. In other words, grab a book instead of your phone to sleep better. And if you want your kids to read more in the future, reading out loud to them has a very positive effect. Of course, this requires some additional effort from the parents themselves, but who doesn’t love story time?
Image credits: imluckym
Image credits: magicdel
Image credits: DanInsinga
However, there’s a difference between reading Harry Potter for the billionth time and picking up something from the classics for the very first time. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with the adventures of The Boy Who Lived, but the classics greatly improve your vocab, social perception, and even emotional intelligence. What’s more, they’ll help you understand yourself in a deeper, more nuanced way. So grab one of the books that people ruined by adding a single word to the title, and read away!
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by Li Nefas via Bored Panda - Source
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