My name is Thomas Dambo, I build giant wooden trolls around the world and hide them in wilderness and forests. By doing this I hope to lure people away from the concrete cities and computer screens, into the wild and reconnect them with the natural world. I build all my enormous sculptures of recycled materials, to show the potential in this precious material, which is often discarded and becomes a threat to the natural world.
Since I was a child I always loved to hear different fairytales and folklore stories, and dream my self away into magical worlds filled with dragons and trolls. As a teenager I started writing my own stories as a rapper, putting out records, touring and creating a universe, where I could tell these stories. In my latest project, I combined all of the above. Recycling, Rapping, Nature, and Sculptures
The project is called “The 7 Trolls and The Magical Tower” it’s a fairytale, told through sculptures and words, hidden in a forest, all made of recycled materials. I know it sounds a bit confusing, but watch the video and it will all make sense.
Here is a couple of facts about my work:
The 7 trolls are from 18 to 7 meter long. The tower is 17 meters tall.
It took me and a crew of 15 people around 25 weeks to build it.
The wood is mainly old shelves from a supermarket, pallets, and branches from fallen trees.
It is located in a Belgian forest.
More info:
by Thomas Dambo via Bored Panda - Source

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